Process Paid Deal 16mm & 35mm
In addition to selling the latest range of Kodak stock we can also offer vouchers for a process paid package, to include processing and a 2K scan. You will also need to purchase an FTP upload, you will need one per project and they are based on the footage.
The labs require a minimum of 400ft to be presented to them in order to qualify for the process paid deal prices, if you have less footage you may be subject to a surcharge, payable directly to the lab.
Our process paid package are for projects that are less than 20,000ft.and are operated in partnership with Cinelab Film & Digital and Kodak Film Lab - you get to choose which of these fabulous labs to work with!
In addition to the stock, the package includes
negative developing,
ultra sonic clean & prep for scan,
2K Scan.
You have the option to have your work transfered onto an FTP upload or hard drive. If you wish your work delivered on an FTP upload then this is an extra charge which can be purchased separately here.
It is very important that you book your work in with the lab at the earliest opportunity. Work that isn’t booked in may incur an extra charge for a Rush service".
Contact details:
Kodak Film Lab London
The Ken Adams Building, Pinewood Studios,
Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Bucks, SL0 0NH
Tel: 01753 656 609
Cinelab Film & Digital
715 Banbury Avenue, Slough, SL1 4LR
Tel: 01753 501500
How The Scheme Works
We email you with a table which shows the list of vouchers you have purchased. Each voucher has a unique code, one voucher per roll of film - this voucher explains to the lab the details of what you have purchased.
Once you have a shoot date - you should immediately book your work in with the lab.
Your film should be delivered to the lab in taped, light-safe cans. For courier options see info below. (Tape around the rim of the can both seals the can, and is an industry-standard "flag" that the can contains exposed, undeveloped film.) Film can either be dropped off in person or sent via courier or post.
Each can, should be clearly labelled with the following items (some of this information will already be printed on the film's factory label - just make sure you don't cover or mark over it!) Can labels can be found on the lab websites.
Type of film (Colour/B&W etc.)
Emulsion number (four-digit product number, e.g. "7219")
Approximate length of roll
Your name
Title of your project
Any special instructions (push/pull # of stops, bleach skip or cross processing, etc.). Please note that should you wish to have additional extras other than what is included in the process paid price the lab will make an extra charge, these should be discussed prior to delivering your film to them.
Camera Roll number. If you choose not to assign your camera rolls a number then the lab will do this for you but it may not be in the order of your choice.
Please also provide the lab with copies of your camera reports or picture negative report.
If you need to collect your elements from the lab you can either collect in person or organise a courier. The following are a couple of online couriers that offer reasonable rates on delivery.
Please note that the vouchers are valid for six months. A full set of our terms and conditions can be found on the Frame24 website or from us direct.
Chargeable Extras
You may wish to specify extras such as push or pull processing, these are extra costs and you must negotiate a separate deal with the lab,
Vouchers are valid based on the whole roll being sent in, should you send in split rolls then you need to contact the lab to check that your voucher will cover this.
Frame24 Ltd does not accept responsibility for the work provided by the laboratory and any issues should be taken up with the lab direct. The terms and condition of the labs still apply and can found on their websites.